Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Suggestions & Ideas

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I thought I'd share the following suggestions. I found these several years ago on  ANNIE'S HOME PAGE

  • If you know a single person make sure that they don't spend Thanksgiving alone. Let them become part of your family for that day.

  • Spend one hour as a family at a shelter or nursing home volunteering.

  • If you can afford it take a single mother or father to the grocery store and pay for their thanksgiving day groceries.

  • Make two of each of the pies you make and give one away to a busy mother or senior that can't bake this year.

  • Be creative, there are so many ways to use your abundance to help those in need. Your abundance may be that you have a family that loves you and you can even share that with a lonely widow or widower who never had any children of their own. They can become an adopted grandparent for your children for Thanksgiving Day or any day for that matter.

  • Often it is just a matter of using your organizational skills to check and double check to make sure that NONE will be lacking in your church or neighborhood for the holiday season. Consider starting with your Sunday School class and make sure that each one will have a place to go on Thanksgiving instead of being alone.

  • Call one of your neighbors and see if they can come over for a piece of pie or have dessert with you this Thanksgiving Day.

  • Share your abundance of clothes and blankets this year. Gather some extra blankets and even the coat that is a little too small. Maybe bring that extra pair of gloves that you never really liked and take them to a homeless shelter.

  • Make some sandwiches and cookies and take them to the homeless people in your town. Get some empty shoe boxes and put a few seasonal treats and treasures along with some Thanksgiving cards in them. Then they can be handed out at the nursing home this Thanksgiving. While you are there you can ask the director if there are any people who might need a visit or some fresh flowers to cheer them up this year.

  • If you love the tradition of Thanksgiving Football games, that's great. BUT make sure you don't watch them alone. Invite a single person over to watch the game with you. Not everyone will either want to or be able to travel home for the holidays. You can even PRAY for the athletes as you watch the game this year. Also consider praying for the announcers or those in the stadium that are watching the game.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving as you celebrate with family and friends!

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