My Books

What is Communion?
(Published 2009)
A children's book about The Lord's Supper. 
(My dad was the Senior Illustrator for this book.)

(Published 2014, Revised 2023)
A children's book about sharing and thankfulness. 
(My niece, Carolyn, provided the illustrations for this book.)

God Puts Us Where He Wants Us
(Published April 2017) 
I helped my dad publish this book before he passed away in May 2017. He wanted his readers to understand how God puts us where He wants us, and then it is our responsibility to be obedient in service, no matter where we are placed. In the book, he shares where he has been, and where he is now, in a collection of memories, meaningful moments, observations and teachings.

Sprout's Journey
(Published August 2017)
Written and illustrated by my niece, Carolyn McIntosh. 
(I had the privilege of helping edit the book before it was published.)

(Published July 2023)
I helped my mother write and develop this book. It is a short read and is eye appealing with many photos and clip art. It is a simple, yet encouraging, book that follows the author's life from the spring season to the winter season, and shares "tidbits of wisdom" that can bring encouragement and inspiration to those who read it.