I have told this story before, but felt it was worth repeating . . .
When I was a young girl around the age of 5, my family lived in Minnesota while my parents were serving with CEF (
Child Evangelism Fellowship).
They were doing deputation work (appointed to represent the ministries
of CEF to others) and did not receive a regular paycheck. Their income
was provided by the support of other Christians, and some weeks were
financially leaner than others.
During one of our leanest weeks, there was a period of about 4 days when our cupboards were almost
bare; but, through faith, God supplied
for my family’s needs in miraculous ways.
On day one,
we all sat down for supper and were getting ready to eat what was left
in our cupboards - some crackers with butter on them (and my sister
thinks there might have been a little bit of popcorn as well). We all
held hands and Dad prayed, just like we always did before a meal, thanking God for what we had, and also asking Him to provide for our needs. Then, my brother
remembers Dad telling us to enjoy our meal, because we didn’t know when or where
we would be eating the next one. Soon after that, there was a knock on the door. No one was there. However, a sack of groceries was
left anonymously. We were all so excited to see how God had
provided for our needs. We had enough food for a good meal that night, as
well as some leftovers for breakfast the next morning.
Day 2 - At breakfast, we all prayed again before us three kids
left for school, asking God, in faith, to provide for our needs. Later
that afternoon, some friends of ours called and said they had made too
much supper, so they asked us to come over and join them. Of course, we
said yes, and had a nice meal with our friends that night.
Day 3 - We all prayed again before leaving for school. That
afternoon, my brother and sister received a small check for a paper
route job they had. It was maybe around $6.00, which was worth a lot
more 40 years ago than it is now. My dad gave the check to them and
asked what they wanted to do with it. They said,
“Let’s go to
McDonald’s!” So, that was our meal for that night.
Day 4 - I don't remember it, but I’m sure we all prayed again that morning. Later that
day, an income check finally arrived. It was enough to
provide for our family’s needs for the rest of the month.
God is good, and we can always TRUST in the fact that He has promised to supply all the needs of His children. Not always what we WANT, but exactly what we NEED (both physically and spiritually).