What is a meal ministry? It is the act of serving others through the provision of a meal (or several meals).
Who can have a meal ministry? The list is endless. It can be done through a church, a Bible study group, a women’s ministry, a homeschool group, a small group of friends, as a family, or individually.
Who should the recipients be? Anyone you want to bless and let know you are thinking of them; but, especially remember those who are sick, injured, undergoing cancer treatments, or dealing with a drastic life change (a funeral, a new addition to the family, etc.)
What do you provide? Its hard to remember everything that was brought over to me and my family, and I regret not writing it all down and not taking any pictures, but I will try to recall what I can:
- Meatloaf
- Spaghetti
- Lasagna
- Stuffed Shells
- Baked Ham
- Pork Roast
- Pulled Pork BBQ
- Sausage and potato casserole
- Frozen Pizza and Delivered Pizza
- Chicken casseroles and Baked Chicken Dishes
- Chipped beef gravy with toast
- Chili, Chicken and Noodles, Beef Stew
- Roast beef with potatoes and carrots
- Three friends even got together and had a "freezer meal party" where they made us 10 ziplock bags of meals that go from the freezer to the crockpot. These have been great for those nights when I just don’t feel energetic enough to make supper.

There are others who may not live nearby, but still want to help a family out in some way. Gift cards to local restaurants, or even the local grocery story deli, are big helps in this case. I am so thankful for the gift cards we received to places like Subway and Casey’s Pizza.
No matter what you decide to give, when food is involved, I suggest the following, based on our own recent experiences:
- Ask if there are any food allergies or intolerances. We have definite peanut/nut allergies in our family, as well as a few intolerances that can’t be overlooked. For example, my husband will not touch a tuna casserole! LOL.
- Disposable containers are great. If that is not an option, do not refrain from giving a meal; but if you are able to use them, please do.
- A dessert is not necessary with every meal. There were times we received several desserts in one week, and there was no way our family of 4 could have eaten them all. In those cases, we ended up blessing another family with a dessert, which is fine; but, in cases where meals are brought over several days in a row, ask the family first if they would like a dessert. Or, a better option would be to bring over a fruit salad, or some fresh fruit that can be used either for dessert or for a healthy snack.
- Most of all, HAVE FUN blessing others with a meal! It is something that is truly appreciated more than words can say.