Not too long ago, I "met"
Linda Thomas through
The Faithful Bloggers. Linda previously served as a Teaching Leader with
Bible Study Fellowship International. She and her husband, Dave, also worked with
Wycliffe Bible Translators for three years in South America and eight years in Africa. In 2010, Linda published
"Grandma's Letters from Africa," which is a memoir about her first four years in Africa. Then, only a couple of weeks ago, I got in on the ground breaking of her newest project about
Spiritual memoirs. Just to clarify - a memoir is not the same thing as a journal or a diary. A journal is
private, but a memoir is something that is meant to be
Linda graciously agreed to write a post for my blog about this project. I really wanted to let you all know about it, as I think its a really great idea. This is a project that ANYONE can take part in, in the comfort of your own home, whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or special friend to a child. And, if you can write a letter, then YOU can do this project. Thanks so much, Linda! I am excited to be a part of this project...
A Rhema Moment
By: Linda Thomas
About ten years ago while reading
Deuteronomy 4, I had a rhema moment - an instant when "a word in Scripture zings you," as
Priscilla Shirer describes it. It's a flash of "Aha!" when God gives extra significance to a Bible passage and you know He is speaking to you.
Deuteronomy 4:9 tells us to remember what we've seen God do for us and to be sure to tell our children and grandchildren. I had read that verse many times before but that day I had a rhema moment. That verse took on new meaning and urgency. I knew I had to do something about it.
At that time, I wasn't even sure what a memoir was but soon discovered memoir is a perfect format for telling kids and grandkids what God has done. A couple of years later, I started teaching memoir classes, first in Washington State, and now in Missouri. And now, for several reasons, the time is right to begin my new blog,
About the blog...
Spiritual Memoirs 101 is about
inspiration and
celebration, with a focus on
Deuteronomy 4:9, "Always remember the things you've seen God do for you, and be sure to tell your children and grandchildren!"
Inspiration is one of my favorite words. I pray that within this blog, you'll find inspiration.
What words come to mind when you think of
I think of infusing with enthusiasm, encouragement, passion, gusto, and eagerness.
Week by week, we will examine the art and craft of memoir and, as we do, my heart's desire is that you'll receive
inspiration to write and write and write and write.
Celebration is another of my favorite words. It conjures up images of cheering, praising, and applauding. I pray that within and beyond this blog, you'll participate in a
celebration - ultimately a
celebration of God in all His goodness, faithfulness, holiness, and splendor.
May God help us remember all we've seen Him do
for us, and
with us - and even
in spite of us.
May He give us a longing to write those stories for our children, grandchildren, and "spiritual" children as well - precious people God has brought into our lives whether we share DNA or not.
Your stories are part of God's stories,
and God's stories are part of your stories.
People need to hear those stories. Believe it!
Get ready to write!
Linda writes for her blog on a weekly basis, and you can follow along at:
SPIRITUAL MEMOIRS 101 where she will be teaching us more about Spiritual memoirs and giving assignments to help get us started. For example, the first assignment was to start a list of things you’ve seen God do for you and add to it throughout the week.
You can also follow her along on Facebook:
And, if you would like to read more about her book, "Grandma’s Letters from Africa," you can follow her on this blog: