2. Last week, I had another Doppler done to check the status of the small blood clot in my jugular vein. The technician said she still saw a small sliver, but it was not causing any problems with blood flow, and there were no new clots to be seen. (THANK YOU, LORD!)
3. Today, I had a follow-up appointment with my Oncologist. All my bloodwork is within normal range... AND... he cleared me from taking Xarelto, the blood thinner I was taking in order to combat the blood clots. He said the sliver they are seeing looks like a shadow that is only there because there WAS a blood clot. It is not causing a blockage of any kind and is no longer of any major concern. (PRAISE GOD!)
Where do we go from here?
1. I will continue to take Tamoxifen, the med that blocks estrogen. So far, it seems to be working well for me. I am having the expected hot flashes and other symptoms that confirm it is working. Unfortunately, one of the negative side effects is joint pain. It feels like arthritis, and is at its worst in the morning. But, after getting busy and moving around, the pain subsides. It is not bad enough for me to need any pain killers, so we will continue with the Tamoxifen. I much prefer a little joint pain over the alternative.
2. We will keep an eye on my neck and arm for any new pain or swelling. If any occurs, I am to call my doctor's office ASAP, as this could be a sign of a clot forming again. Hopefully, that will not happen.
3. If all goes as planned, I do not need to return for another check-up until 3 months from now. Thankfully, I'm no longer being seen on a weekly, or even a monthly, basis anymore.
All is well.