Is your church experiencing problems from within that are making it difficult to thrive? Are you a Pastor, a Board Member, or a Layperson seeking encouragement and advice about how to improve the function of your church?
BIBLE RELATED MINISTRIES, in Hinsdale, Illinois, is primarily dedicated to aiding churches undergoing internal strife and helping them through a reconciliation process.
Bible Related Ministries is a missionary outreach in that it is striving to keep Gospel preaching church doors open in America so that missionary support for those at home and abroad should not be terminated, and so the unsaved in the communities surrounding those churches can better be reached.
BRM is affliated with
IFCA (Independent Fundamental Churches of America), but will minister in any kind of church, as long as God's Word is the final authority. To name just a few, they have been active in Baptist churches, Bible churches, Community churches, Christian Missionary Aliance, Evangelical Free, Congregational, and Covenant churches.
There are NO upfront fees for their services. They do, however, request traveling expenses and a donation if possible. A
Proposed Agreement is required to be signed by churches requesting arbitration.
HELPFUL LITERATURE for ministries is also available free of charge upon request. Or, you can download various articles from the website.
They do ask that any church seeking their assistance to please consider putting Bible Related Ministries on their missionary budget for monthly giving. By doing so, you will be travelling with them as an active participant in helping other churches. Donations and monthly support is also welcome by any individual who feels led to give.