A unique children's Bible storybook, written by Jeremy Pierre and illustrated by Cassandra Clark. Unique because of the way Pierre uses the creative dialogue of two unnamed angels to cover the major stories in the Bible (one story/event in each chapter), taking us on a journey that highlights the presence of God in people's lives - past, present and future. The book does not avoid the sensitive subjects of sin and its consequences. It is meant to be real, and to give children an honest look at the overall theme of Scripture. It is meant to introduce children to the Gospel message, helping them understand how people were made to be in fellowship with God from the very beginning. It covers how we rebelled and were separated from God, how sin causes death and destruction, and how Jesus provided the only permanent way for us to be safely welcomed back into God's presence - not because of anything WE have done, but all because of His love for us.
To be near to God
you cannot bring anything with you
to impress him
or to make you special in his eyes.
You are not special to God
because of your obedience to him.
You are special to God
because of his heart toward you.
~ p. 190 of God With Us
NOTE: This book is not written is an easy-to-read, simplistic storybook format. Therefore, it may be a little challenging for children (especially younger children) to understand. However, parents/grandparents could still use it as a great tool to introduce the message of the Gospel (known as "the greatest story ever told") and use it to discuss God's presence in their lives. It is a book that could be read over and over, allowing children to learn and understand it more as they grow in their faith.
Disclosure: Many thanks to Shepherd Press for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and not influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.