One thing I specifically remember is a necklace my mother wore, containing a tiny little mustard seed on the inside of a clear ball. This necklace is based on Matthew 17:20, and I remember mom explaining to us kids how our faith can move mountains if we only believe.
Matt 17:20 – “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (NIV)
These mountains are not necessarily physical mountains. They can be mountains of illness, mountains of financial need, mountains of overwhelming discouragement, and the list goes on....
I recently asked my mother to write down, in her own words, what faith means to her. This is what she said.... (Thanks for sharing, Mom! I love you!)....
What is Faith to Me?
By: Carolyn L. McIntosh
I think of the words to a song, “Faith is just believing what God says He will do. He will never fail you, His promises are true.”
Faith is trusting in Jesus alone as the one who died for my and your sins. Believe He was buried and rose again from the grave. He promised He would forgive us if we believe in Him and ask His forgiveness.
Faith is believing, if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). God has moved many mountains for me and my family - both physically and financially. Why? Because He promised to supply all our needs. Not our wants, but our needs.
I have a prayer journal and have had it for about 40 years. I encourage you to do the same. Then, occasionally go back and read how God was faithful to you, in good and hard times, sometimes even giving you some of your wants. That’s how good God is!
God is faithful to us. We need to be faithful to Him. Believe His Word (His promises), read it and obey it. Cling to His promises every day and, if you are His child, believe His promises are true for you - because He said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
Beautifully written. Awesome God!!! Great idea about the prayer journal.