Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sky Time

I guess its been about three weeks since I last posted anything. Time sure flies, doesn’t it? Whew.... And, you know what? Its hard for me to even recollect what these past 3 weeks have entailed.

That reminds me of a poem I wrote quite a few years ago. It’s a poem about how just ONE DAY can flash by us so quickly. It refers to the fact that we, and those around us, can tend to get caught up in life and forget to take time for what is really important. If we're not careful, we end up rising each morning, doing our duties, then going to bed each night - all out of habit. It then becomes easy to miss out on the beauty of nature that God has created for us; to miss out on getting to know our children and family members better; and to miss out on spending time with God.

Please don’t let life pass you by without “taking a look” at what is most important... BEFORE its all gone.....

~ ~ ~ ~

Silent night. Peaceful dawn.
Take a look before it's gone.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
You seem so close, but yet so far.
I watch you as you fade away.
The sunrise greets a brand new day.
The wind blows softly o'er the lake.
All the birds are now awake.
The birds fly by just like the time.
The sun begins to make it's climb.

Peaceful dawn. Busy day.
Take some time to stop and pray.
Don't forget the God of love
Who made the stars and sun above.
Morning madness makes you ill.
The sun above is rising still.
Noontime meals. A coffee break.
Friends around are now awake.
The wind blows swiftly through the trees.
The time whips by just like the breeze.

Busy day. Calming eve.
The sun begins to make it's leave.
The wind blows gently o'er the lake.
The birds sleep in the nests they make.
The sun will sink a slowing pace.
The stars begin to take it's place.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
You seem so close, but yet so far.
The sun is going...going...gone.
It will return at peaceful dawn.

Calming eve. Silent night.
The moon serves as sufficient light.
A glimpse of light flies through the sky.
A falling star softly whispers good-bye.
Everyone is now asleep.
The stars will twinkle as they weep.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
You seemed so close, but yet so far.
The wind blows swiftly through the trees.
The time whips by just like the breeze.

Silent night. Peaceful dawn.
Take a look before it's gone.

– Victoria L. Stankus

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