This is a newer hymn, written in 1971 by Bill and Gloria Gaither. The words came after the birth of their 3rd son. The couple had been going through a difficult time with health issues, family issues, and world happenings. Gloria was distraught over bringing their baby into this crazy, messed up world. But, the Lord gave her reassurance and these words were written to share with others. These words give us encouragement and remind us of the hope we have in Christ despite the difficulties and uncertain days we face...
By: William and Gloria Gaither, 1971
(The 1974 Dove Awards song of the year)
God sent His Son - they called Him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know He hold the future
And life is worth the living - just because He lives.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know He hold the future
And life is worth the living - just because He lives.
How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance;
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance;
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.
And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and - I'll know He lives.
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and - I'll know He lives.
John 14:19 "A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. (NKJV)
Matthew 28:6 - "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
The song I needed today.
I always wondered how that second verse was relevant to the song. It always seemed kind of awkward in there... Now it makes sense! Thanks for sharing!