Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Treasure Box

The word of the week is TREASURE
: something that is very special, important, or valuable

On my 8th birthday, I received a special gift from my dad (and I believe my brother might have helped with it, too). He made me my very own keepsake box with a hinged lid and a LOCK. It was the neatest thing. I was able to hide my special "treasures" in my box and didn’t have to worry about my friends or family taking them out without my permission. All these years later, I still have this box; and, inside of it, are some of the things from my childhood that I thought were worth keeping.
  • My name tag from one Summer when I was at Camp Good News - the Christian camp our family attended and worked at in Minnesota 
  • The tool I used to make latch-hook rugs
  • My first pair of glasses that I never liked wearing
  • A game of Jacks I played with on the front sidewalk
  • A harmonica I tried learning how to play
  • Some friendship pins that were given to me (It was the "thing to do" back then for your friends)
  • A souvenir pin from my first commercial flight - it was when Mom and I went to Washington state for my Uncle Ed's wedding.  
  • A favorite comb I used
  • A pencil collection
  • A raccoon tail I purchased as a souvenir when we went on vacation in Minnesota
  • Bubblegum trading cards from Star Wars, E.T., Gremlins, and 21 Jump Street 
  • My kindergarten hand print that hung on my wall for many years
  • My key and key chain collection 
  • The handmade wooden microphone I always loved to sing into (another gift from my dad, also for my 8th birthday)
These are sweet little treasures that I stored up as a kid. They are fun mementos to have and to look at once in awhile; but, when I think about it, I realize my true treasures are not material things (although I would find it really hard to get along well without my computer these days!), but the things that mean the most to me now are my faith in the Lord (which I hope is evident for all to see), my family, and also my memories.

I am thankful I have this memory of my dad giving this box to me. But, more than that, I am thankful  for the time he took to MAKE this box (and other little things) for me. I know he did similar things for my brother and sister. He always tried to make time for us. Even when he had a busy work schedule, we knew he would be there for us if we needed him. I am thankful for the way he took time to encourage us, prayed with us (and for us), and taught us about God’s Word and how to live our lives in a way that really matters. He taught us that life on earth is short, so we need to spend our time wisely; he taught us how to have fun and to be flexible when things don’t go as planned; and he taught us that no one is perfect, but we CAN be forgiven.

Thank you for all the things you have taught me, Dad. Thank you for your love. YOU are a treasure to me.

Happy Father's Day to you, and to all the other dads out there who are reading this!

1 comment:

  1. You have always been a joy. It is good to see how lives are influenced. Dad


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