Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Embracing Your Second Calling" - Bourke

I recently joined Book Sneeze, through Thomas Nelson Publishers and, as a member of this group, I am able to choose a complimentary book to have sent to me. In return, I am obligated to write an honest review of the book on my blog. So, I've been busy these past few weeks, reading a new book. 

This first book I chose was “Embracing Your Second Calling” by Dale Hanson Bourke.

It is geared towards women over the age of 40 but, more importantly, for those who are now without children and/or a husband in the home to care for. In other words, those who are in an “empty nest.” As the back of the book says, the author “challenges women to respond to God’s call specifically for this season of life and offers practical ideas for finding new meaning.”

My children are still quite young at the ages of 11 and 7, so this book did not completely apply to me. However, I was still able to glean some helpful insight. I especially enjoyed the way the author incorporated the book of Ruth (the story of Naomi) into this book. It was almost like a study guide for me, in that regard. She had a lot of interesting facts and insights about this book of the Bible that I hadn’t thought about before.

I would recommend this book to women who are entering middle age or have been there for awhile, especially if your children are grown (or mostly grown), or to someone who is trying to determine her purpose for living during the 2nd half of her life.

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