We are home from our trip up North. My husband's dad did really well with the surgery. They removed his spleen and 40% of his pancreas, along with the nasty cyst that was attached. We won't know until later what kind of cyst it was. He had almost no bleeding, and they were able to do the surgey laparascopically. He has 4 small incisions and one larger one. The larger one is the most painful, of course. But, the pain has decreased as time has gone by. We are all thankful the surgery was done in the minimum amount of time and there were no complications.
We are glad to be home safe and sound, and thank YOU for your prayers! Please continue to keep them coming. Pray that pneumonia, blood clots, and other complications do not develop. Also, pray for "Mom." She will continue to travel back and forth to the hospital everyday until he is discharged, which is a 45-minute drive one-way, and in big-city traffic. She will need strength and endurance these next few days, and also as she cares for "Dad" back at home.
God bless!
P.S. - A BIG thank you to my mom, who traveled with us and took care of the kids so I was able to join my husband and the family at the hospital. It was really great to have you along, Mom. I appreciate it so much! Also, thankyou to Dad for bringing her to us and picking her back up. Love you both!
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