QUOTE: Many times folk will make the error that a minister has to be a person that a church hires to lead them. This is not always true. Ministry comes in many different forms. If you are a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, having trusted in Him and Him alone for salvation, then you are in ministry. Some may be in full-time vocational ministry, a pastor, a teacher, or a missionary; but ministry is what all believers are to do every day and it starts and is practiced at home.I love that quote, for two reasons:
1. Because it shares my thoughts on Christian ministry, and how we are ALL ministers for the Lord in one way or another. We all have a story to tell, and we all have the ability to share our hope in Christ with anyone who will listen.Rather than copy my dad's article, I'm going to direct you to the PDF link where you can read it in full, and even print it out if you wish to do so...
2. Because it was written by my DAD. The quote came from an article he wrote for the August 2012 IFCA News Connection (NOTE: IFCA International is committed to providing fellowship, encouragement, and identification for independent churches and men of like faith, as they work together in Biblical ministry).
After you've read the article, please come back here and take a moment to share your thoughts!
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Thanks for the kind words. You are so right. Ministry begins at home. It it is not done there, it will not be outside the home very well.