Saturday, February 16, 2013

VIDEO REVIEW: Awesome Science Season 2

I was given the opportunity to review Season 2 (episodes 4, 5, and 6) of the Awesome Science DVD series. Each video is 30-40 minutes long, and a study guide is available that includes extra information, vocabulary words, and quizzes.

The series is brought to us by Kyle Justice; and his 14 year old son, Noah, is the host.

These DVD's are fast-paced and interesting. Although, the vocabulary is a bit advanced for the younger audience, they are sure to be a pleaser for the Jr. High and High School age groups, and even adults. Younger students can also benefit just from watching and seeing the beauty of these fabulous locations on our earth.

For those who have never had a chance to see these parks up close and personal, this is a great alternative. I recommend them for anyone who wants to share how Creation Science and the truth of the Bible can be explained in the formations of these wondrous creations.

Here is a trailor from epsiode 4: 
Here is the trailor for
Mt. St. Helens... 

The trailor for
John Day Fossil Beds...
These DVD's are published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group. I received the products FREE of charge for review purposes.

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