Sunday, January 7, 2018

We Are Going On the Road!

I have some exciting news! He Holds My Right Hand is no longer just a blog. It is also now a traveling ministry that will share Christian encouragement with Bible-believing, evangelical, protestant churches and Christian organizations.

David and I have been discussing and praying about this opportunity for - well, at least a couple of years. But, this past Fall we finally decided it was time to make the leap and go for it. It took some time to get everything set up to do this, but we are finally ready to go and look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead us.

  • David will be available to fill pulpits with a challenging sermon.
  • Our family puppet ministry, "Higher Hands Puppets," will give one or two short presentations to teach and entertain both children and adults.
  • My books will be available for purchase at each location to help cover ministry expenses (i.e. the cost of our portable puppet stage, new puppets, music for the puppets, etc.) 
  • David and I are willing to share our personal testimonies when time and situations allow.

Our goal is to minister once or twice per month with churches interested in having us come. Our FIRST church stop is next Sunday, January 14th, at Mendota Bible Church in Mendota, IL. We are looking forward to seeing some old friends there, as well as making some new ones. If you are in that area, we would love to see you!  

Click the photo below to be taken to our ministry page on Facebook. While you are there, please take a moment to "like" the page and share it with others. Thank you for your support.

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