Sunday, June 17, 2018

TRUST #23: A Father Who Can Be Trusted

On the day each of our children were born, David was a tremendous help throughout the labor and delivery process. He stayed near me the entire time, making sure all was going as well as it could be. Then, as soon as our baby was born, he quickly checked to see that I was okay, then went to be near the young ones as they were being cleaned up. At each birth, he had made an obvious transition from being a caring and protective husband to being a caring and protective father. And, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

David with our 1st-born child -1998

David with our 2nd-born child - 2003

A good father can be TRUSTED to love his children, protect them, and to care for them in ways that only a good father can. I am thankful and pleased to have that kind of a father for my children.

Unfortunately, not everyone in this world has had a father who has earned that same kind of trust. If that is YOU, don't be discouraged. We know from God's Word that you, too, can have a Father who can be trusted - a Heavenly Father. When you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are adopted as a child of God. He becomes the good Father you never had.
So, today, which is Father's Day in the United Stated, don't be afraid to open your heart to the Heavenly Father, placing your TRUST in Him. He is a Father who loves you, cares for you, wants to be a part of your life, and knows you better than anyone - even to the point of knowing how many hairs are on your head. He is a Father who can be TRUSTED.

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