These are the 5 love languages, based on the books by Dr. Gary Chapman. We use these to show our love and affection for family members and friends:
After you have taken the assessment, share the results with your loved ones. Then, encourage them to take the test as well. You can use the results to find the best ways of bringing encouragement to each other when its needed.
I took the assessment and, out of a possible of 12 points for each category, mine came out with an 11 in Words of Affirmation. Second place tied with a 6 for Physical Touch and Quality Time. Receiving Gifts came in at a 5, and I only got a 2 in Acts of Service. These scores do not mean I don't like receiving gifts or having someone do something nice for me. It just means I respond best when I hear positive, kind, and encouraging words (either verbal or written), and it is also the form of "giving" that I do most often for others.
So, now that you know my love language, I'd love to hear how YOUR assessment scores came out also. Please share!
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