“Love is the first fruit of the spirit. It is well-placed at the head of the list, for it permeates everything. Somehow if we live a life of love, the other virtues will attend us all the days of our lives. Love is the key that unlocks the entire fruit basket of Galatians 5:22-23.”
Recommended for use in a small group, this is not the kind of book you would just pick up and read, just to read it. As a small group study guide, it is to be studied over a 6-week period. There is a page or two each person reads on a daily basis for the first 6 days of each week. Day 1 covers the introduction of the chapter at hand. Day 2 teaches about the purpose of God in our lives. Day 3 talks about our relationship with Christ. Day 4 covers our service to others. Day 5 is about personal worship. Day 6 goes into a character study of a person in the Bible. Then, on day 7, the group meets together for discussion, encouraging all members of the group to participate and learn together.
Topics over the six weeks include the characteristics of LOVE, and how it can be cultivated in our own lives. Included are things like giving, forgiveness, the definition of God, God’s love for us - which is an unconditional love, how to love and serve other people, and how to love and worship God.
Overall, the book is a good one to get. However, it does seem to be rather simplistic and may need to be supplemented with more in-depth discussion questions, depending on the needs of the group. A good small group leader should have no problem using this book as a basis for a deeper study if needed.
You can find more information about the book by clicking HERE.
Disclaimer: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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